The STEM Gender Gap: Outreach Activities from Two Higher Education Institutions in Oklahoma

Susmita Hazra, Cameron University

Ann Nalley, Cameron University

Sheila Youngblood, Tulsa Community College


Studies have shown that one of the best ways to include a greater number of girls in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) is to influence them from an early age, starting at the elementary or middle school level. In the past 15 years, the Department of Chemistry, Physics, and Engineering at Cameron University (CU) has been involved in several outreach activities, including the hosting of a one-week summer academy for middle school girls, Women in Leadership and STEM conferences, and several workshops involving middle and high school girls. Tulsa Community College (TCC) recently inaugurated its high school summer academy to encourage more girls to gravitate toward STEM and to provide positive reinforcement. We believe our outreach programs have been very helpful to female students, particularly to students who are in underserved rural and metropolitan schools throughout the state of Oklahoma. 

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